A matrimonial ad is a matter of life-long companionship. It is a profile seeking a matching profile for a prospective bride or groom. This kind of ad reaches much further than all the friends and relatives through whom traditional parents have been trying to locate a girl or boy to meet their growing son’s or daughter’s marital needs from virtually childhood.
Therefore, a matrimonial ad must be carefully written giving precise information about the prospective groom or bride without too many flourishes but with enough details to create a picture worth examining further through making a contact by telephone, letter or in person. This is the best way to translate the old saying that marriages are made in heaven but are solemnised on Earth. It results in the fusion of two unknown souls into a single one for a lifetime of marital bliss.
The most important reason for writing an ad is more than giving oneself ample choice instead of the restricted numbers presented by friends and relatives for your selection. It is also to provide the advertiser the maximum exposure to others who are also on the look-out for such prospective spouses. This exposure will reach wherever the newspaper in which the ad has been placed, reaches.
Matrimonial ads in newspapers are generally classified text ads or classified display ads. These mostly appear in the free Sunday Matrimonial supplement carried by almost all newspapers in all languages across the country. Depending on the newspaper, one can place an economical Classified Text ad which is charged by the word usually subject to a minimum of five lines beyond which extra costs will apply. With a higher budget, one can place a Classified Display ad which is charged by the square centimetre and uses enhancement techniques to make it more eye-catching to the reader.
However, the best way to avail of newspaper advertising services is to not waste the time and effort going around to all the newspapers. There are about 200 national, regional and local dailies in India to choose from. So, for instance, a Tamilian residing in Ghaziabad can place a matrimonial ad in, for example, The Times of India, NCR edition (that covers Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida), and also The Hindu and the Daily Thanthi in Chennai for better options.
Instead of all that effort, the advertiser’s home or office computer would instantly put him or her in touch with the proven online advertising facility, Myadvtcorner. This facility’s expert media team has access to every newspaper in India and is aware of current rates – as well as periodic discounts and special packages (like The Times of India’s “Buy 2 ads, Get 2 FREE!). Such benefits are passed on free of charge to the advertiser. Simultaneously, given a couple of days’ notice, this same team of media experts can ensure that the required ad will appear in the required issue on the required date.
So make a date with your future spouse by making a date with Myadvtcorner.
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