India’s broadsheet newspaper with the fourth largest circulation is the Hindi-language daily, Amar Ujala. It has a daily circulation of 2,935,111 (as of Jul - Dec 2015) as per the Audit Bureau of Circulations. With a readership of 5.51 million, the 2013 Indian Readership Survey reported that it had the 12th-largest daily readership amongst all newspapers in India. It covers seven states and one union territory including 167 districts with its 19 editions published in: • Agra • Aligarh • Allahabad • Bareilly • Chandigarh • Dehradun • Delhi • Dharamsala • Gorakhpur • Jalandhar • Jammu • Jhansi • Kanpur • Lucknow • Meerut • Moradabad • Nainital • Noida • Varanasi.
Amar Ujala Newspaper Classified and Display Advertisement Booking Online
All editions carry advertising in a number of categories, which include:
• Amar Ujala Matrimonial Advertisement: Help find the ideal match for an eligible bride or groom of a relative or friend with an ad in the matrimonial section of Amar Ujala every Sunday. Its special matrimonial packages offers are valid for all matrimonial preferences like age, caste, community, language, nationality, profession, religion and more.
• Amar Ujala Name Change Advertisement: When someone has to partially or completely change his or her name, legal requirements are that the change must be published in at least two newspapers after making a notarised affidavit. Make Amar Ujala one of them.
• Amar Ujala Obituary Advertisement: When someone close has passed away and informing relatives and friends is essential, do so with an obituary ad in Amar Ujala and also convey the funeral details as well as those of rituals like chauthas, mass services, prayer meetings, commemorations and so on.
• Amar Ujala Recruitment Advertisement: When vacancies in an organisation crop up, hiring the suitable candidates becomes necessary with recruitment advertisements Amar Ujala which get maximum responses from candidates from regions preferred by you.
• Amar Ujala Education Advertisement: As the economy develops rapidly, education becomes one of the basic needs. So, advertise courses of your school, college, university, coaching centre or other educational institute – like details and dates of new admission openings – in Amar Ujala.
• Amar Ujala Public Notice Advertisement: When your government or private organisation is launching a project that will affect the general public, inform them with an Amar Ujala ad.
• Amar Ujala Shopping Advertisement: Advertise in Amar Ujala the range of goods and their prices available in your shop or mall and its location.
• Amar Ujala Personal Advertisement: Personal ads in the newspaper are a traditional way of advertising an item or notice which is personal in nature. You can publish event ads in Amar Uala to advertise your events and attract a large crowd.
• Amar Ujala Service Advertisement: Several kinds of services – from modelling or acting to private detectives or construction contractors to doctors and lawyers – can attract customers with ads in Amar Ujala.
• Amar Ujala Wedding Arrangement Advertisement: When a marriage is to be arranged, there is a need for someone to take charge of all related arrangements. An ad in Amar Ujala helps such professionals find willing clients.
• Amar Ujala Tender Notice Advertisement: A tender notice in Amar Ujala will help select suitable suppliers of goods and services at competitive rates.
• Amar Ujala Property Advertisement: When one needs to sell, rent, lease or purchase property of any kind in any location, placing an Amar Ujala will get adequate response.
• Amar Ujala Business Advertisement: An Amar Ujala ad will help open up opportunities for business expansion where one wants it.
Thus, Amar Ujala opens up far-reaching avenues to promote whatever services, goods or events from anywhere in India. But, to place an Amar Ujala newspaper advertisement with the utmost speed and efficiency, one needs to click on to Myadvtcorner, the online ad service of an INS-accredited advertising agency. Its free media services include providing Amar Ujala ad samples and Amar Ujala classified ad rates since these vary according to the edition and also provide the benefit of a discount under certain circumstance.
Through this same facility, it is equally easy to book Amar Ujala classified advertisements and Amar Ujala display advertisements and ads in Amar Ujala supplements which are cheaper than ads in the main paper. The facility also takes care of booking Amar Ujala front, back and third page advertisements and Amar Ujala full, half and quarter page ads.
So, from all over India, one can rely on this instant facility at one’s fingertips for placing advertisements in Amar Ujala newspaper like display ads for Amar Ujala Newspaper.
For Any inquiry related to advertisement publishing in Amar Ujala Newspaper call us at 09810904604, 01202512700 or mail now at
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