As an English broadsheet daily newspaper, Daily News and Analysis (DNA) was India’s first English all-colour page format broadsheet daily. Published from Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Jaipur, Bengaluru and Indore, it targets the young, up-market readership with two free supplements ''DNA Money'' and ''After Hrs". According to the Indian Readership Survey of 2014 Q4, DNA is preferred by 1,506,000 readers in Mumbai alone, the second highest in the metropolis.
DNA Classified and Display Advertisement Booking Online
It carries ads in many categories like the following:• DNA Matrimonial Advertisements: These in the Sunday matrimonial section of DNA are one of the most frequently referred and sought after categories as they help find grooms and brides for eligible young girls and boys according to specifications.
• DNA Name Change Advertisements: These legalise the partial or total change of anyone’s name for any reason.
• DNA Obituary Advertisements: These convey news of the demise of someone along with details of the funeral and post-funeral ceremonies.
• DNA Recruitment Advertisements: These attract properly qualified and experienced recruits to fill vacancies in an organisation.
• DNA Education Advertisements: These convey details of learning opportunities at any kind of educational institution.
• DNA Public Notice Advertisements: These are put out by government, corporate and private individuals regarding matters that concern the public in general.
• DNA Tender Notice Advertisements: These help select suppliers of specified goods and services and the most competitive rates.
• DNA Remembrance Advertisements: These remind those concerned about significant days like birth and death anniversaries of someone who is no more.
• DNA Tour and Travel Advertisements: These help travellers find sources for tickets, travel, conveyance, holiday packages, visas and like matter.
• DNA Lost and Found Advertisements: These are for trying to retrieve some lost possession or get some kind of compensation.
From anywhere in India, the fastest and simplest way to place an advertisement in DNA newspaper is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency which provides such free services as DNA sample ads and DNA classified ad rates, which vary according to edition and may offer rebates in some cases. Besides doing DNA newspaper ad booking online, this facility also books DNA classified advertisements and DNA display advertisements.
So, depend on it when you need to place a display ad in DNA newspaper or DNA newspaper classified advertisement.
For Any inquiry or assistance call us at 09810904604, 120-2512700 or mail us at
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