If you are Human Resources personnel of any company or the one who hires the best possible talent for your organisation then you will be better able to relate with this post. Sitting in office and browsing through the innumerable portfolios of job seekers is not just an exhausting task but requires a lot of responsibility from your end. You need to minutely look into each resume and shortlist the best candidates for further rounds of selection procedure. What if maximum resume that you receive are not satisfactory as per the job role? What if you do not find the desired candidates with the suitable skill-set? If such is the case then you will certainly question self as to what went wrong? It is very likely that the method of your calling in the job seekers for interview wasn’t appropriate and thus the correct people did not turn up for the recruitment process.
So, now you might think as to what is the best method to select candidates for a job role in your company? First of all you need to set your priorities right! Though, viral adverts work best in attracting pool of candidates for a job role but these posts do not hit the target audience. Instead the reader response gets diluted and your ad post might not get the desired result. It is always advisable not to ignore the importance of newspaper ads while going for a hiring spree. Again there is a catch here! If you are looking for local people to fill the vacancies then a national daily will not be able to help you much. You should publish job advert in a local paper. On the other hand if you want to hire people from PAN India then a newspaper with daily circulation across the country will be the best bet. For instance The Times of India. Times of India recruitment advertisement will help you connect better with the best talent from across the country.
Now you might think as to how can you publish such ads because standing in long queues to book such ads will take a considerable time and you will not be able to do the same in your office hours! Do not worry, with the advent of internet such things have become simpler and faster, you can now make recruitment classified ad booking online within minutes. Register on the site and fill in the details and make the payment. Your booking will be done instantly.
For Any query or help regarding recruitment ad booking in The Times of India Newspaper call us at 09810904604 or mail us at contactus@myadvtcorner.com
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