To make Obituary ad booking for Mumbai or any other city across the country you can immediately get in touch with us. We offer a wide range of newspapers from vernaculars to local papers and national to regional dailies for your advert bookings. There are monthly, fortnightly, bi-annually published news journals as well that you will find in our diverse catalogue. We ensure not to miss out on any news chronicle that can be of help to you in your advertising endeavour.
Obituary ads are quite popular category and many people post ads to inform their acquaintances about the sad demise of a friend or a relative. Almost every news broadsheet offers a column for such notices that are published on an urgent basis.
We offer an instant online ad booking platform where you can select the category of your choice for example Obituary in this case. Further, you can choose the newspaper for your ad and the edition for the same. Go ahead and make the payment via online mode. Your booking gets confirmed once you will pay for your ad post. You can make Hindustan Times, Amar Ujala, Dainik Jagran, Navbharat Times Obituary Advertisement booking with just a finger click.Further, we also offer you competitive prices, rebates and discounts as well on your ad reservations. If you go for a repeat advertising you get additional discounts for the same. Similarly, if you choose a bulk advertising package, your billing amount gets reduced to a large extent. If you place your ad on the week days, it will cost you less than the ad posts published on the weekends.
Our experienced team will guide you about the finer details of newspaper advertising, the right newspaper for your ad, the package that you can select and much more.
For more details visit our website or call us on the number 9810904604.
You can also connect with us by dropping a mail at
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