One of the many forms of advertising is printed newspaper classified adverts. Such notices have been in use for a very long time. Newspapers when were not so sophisticated as they are today were used as a source of information dissemination as well as for promotional purposes. During the time of Industrial Revolution and invention of the Printing Press printed adverts were published in the form of Pamphlets etc. Such posts were meant to spread awareness amongst the masses on an issue or advertise about something, etc. With the gradual advancement in technology, newspaper adverts changed the way they look and their content as well. Today broadly we have three kinds of newspaper advert formats namely classified text ads, classified display adverts and display ad posts.
So, we can easily conclude that the history of newspaper advertising can be traced back to the ages of Industrial Revolution. However, one thing is noteworthy here that till date newspapers haven’t lost their popularity and are still considered one of the important vehicles for news dissemination. The same holds true for the printed ad posts who have many takers in today’s modern time of internet and online media.
Talking about newspaper advert categories; there are innumerable categories under which people and companies publish their classified adverts in news journals and one of them is Court Notice. The latter are a kind of Public Notices that have a legal backing. They are meant to make official legal announcements about an entity or a person. Court Notice Advertisement is seen in any news journals.
One of the country’s leading newspapers is The Times of India wherein people book various kinds of adverts and court notices are no exception to this list. People keep publishing Times of India Court Notice Classified Display Ads or classified text ads in order to make such notices reach out to a large pool population. Display advert format is seldom used for such posts as they are usually meant for commercial advertising and brand image creation. Hence, the first two are the preferred formats for court notices.
If you also want to publish a court notice then consider The Times of India as it will provide your notice a vast audience reach. Plus a newspaper notice has low cost per readership than any other channel so you will not feel burden on your pocket!
To make the Times of India Ad booking for Delhi, you can hop on the website and make online advert reservations.
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