When someone we love departs from this world a void is created in our life, which they had filled when they were around. We need to understand that the very nature of life is such that everyone who is born has to die one day! It is just a matter of time and of chance that who will die first.
This may sound a bit brutal, but this is the truth that we all have to accept in order to live peacefully. It is extremely important to come to terms with this reality otherwise we will keep suffering on our loss and will slip into the ocean of depression, anxiety and trauma.
Instead of weeping and wailing on our loss we should rather take inspiration from the life of the one bygone and cherish those moments that we lived with them. Such an approach will help us heal faster and will provide us direction for the future. Plus, we should also change our attitude and behaviour towards those who we are not so fond of. Don’t know how? Well, when we will accept the fact that every person comes with an ‘Expiry date’ we will start ignoring their vices and start looking at their positive traits or even if we do not do so we will at least not get affected by their rude behaviour. This is because by now we have accepted that neither we nor the other person will live forever so why waste time in getting into a tiff with them! This approach will help us better our relationship with others as well.
As far as the departed soul is concerned we can always pray for their well-being in the heavenly abode. There are a lot of people who arrange prayer meets and other rituals for the one bygone. This is a gesture of love that people usually show for their loved one who is no more into this world.
If you have also lost your loved one then arrange for prayer meets, etc. for their peaceful existence and call in all your well-wishers to join you in this endeavour. You can make announcements of the same via Obituary Ads in Times of India for Jaipur (if you are putting up in Jaipur). Visit Jaipur Ad Booking centre of the newspaper to reserve your ad slot. You can also make The Times of India ad booking for Jaipur via online mode to save time.
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