The metropolis shows the contrasts of the populace residing in it. People that constitute the part of population include Muslims, Telugu-speakers coming from southern belt of the country and the ones who throng the city’s flourishing "Cyberabad" area. These people residing in the IT Zone come from different parts of the country and constitute the MNC workforce.
Consequently, there are a number of national and regional dailies that have a wide and diverse readership in the megapolis. There are Urdu speaking and reading people who mostly come from the Muslim community. On the other hand the Telugu people prefer the publications in their native language. Further the IT hub of the city has a cosmopolitan crowd that mostly opts for Hindi and English journals and publications.
Therefore, Hyderabad has a wide circulation of the national as well as regional dailies as the people speak mostly four languages -- viz. Hindi, Urdu, English and Telugu.
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