Newspapers have always been the first choice of the Human Resource personnel and recruiting firms in placing a recruitment ad. And the charm of the printed news supplements hasn’t faded away till date despite the booming online industry.
If we look at the reasons for such a loyalty, we get meaningful insights of why a newspaper still holds dominant position in the world of advertising.
First and foremost is the fact that newspaper is available everywhere. That means, a printed publication can be accessed from any place, at any time and that too by anyone. People who are less tech-savvy often find it convenient to grab a chronicle and get awareness about the latest happenings around them.
Secondly, placing recruitment ads in newspaper filters down the target audience and if you go for a particular zone, then vernaculars are the best bet. The local newspaper of the area helps to hit the bull’s eye directly. That means that you will get the readers from a specified geographical area that you want to target. Such is not the case in e-recruitment where you will get applicant requests from all over the places in response to your ad thereby making it difficult to select.
Moving further we observe that in the case of e-recruitment it becomes cumbersome to conduct an interview. In cases where the candidate is outstation a telephonic interview or a video conference are the only solutions. Such is not the scene if you go for a newspaper ad, as limited number of candidates will appear on the specified date and venue.
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