Established in 1822, Bombay Samachar, now Mumbai Samachar, is the oldest continuously published newspaper in India. It is published in Gujarati and English from various cities. In addition to covering hard-core news stories it publishes interesting articles on sports, lifestyles, entertainment, health fashion and so on. That is how it caters to diverse demographics regardless of age. That is why, advertising in Bombay Samachar newspaper enables one to can reach out to a broad spectrum of audiences who rely on this newspaper for local, regional, national and global information.
To book advertisements in Bombay Samachar one can select from categories such as Matrimonial (every Sunday), Property, Recruitment, Business, Obituary, Remembrance, Education, Personal, Lost and Found, Services, Change of Name, Travel, etc. Making the process simple is Myadvtcorner.
There are three formats of ads one can book in Bombay Samachar. They are:
Classified Text Ad: This cheapest option of advertising is in the form of text ads in the classified section. These are printed on Mumbai Samachar's classified pages in run-on-line (ROL) text format. At extra cost, enhancements like screen, tick, colour for more visibility can be made. Ads are charged according to the number of lines/words used.
Classified Display Ad: This costlier option is charged per square cm of the area used for the advertisement. There is a constraint to the size of Classified Display (CD) Ads, but it can be customised using logo, image, different fonts and colour to enhance the advertisement. Classified Display Ads appear on a specific page or supplement of the newspaper.
Display Ad: This costliest option has no constraints about the sizes of the ads and is also charged per square cm of the area used for the advertisement. One can choose Full Page, Half Page, Quarter Page or any other size of ad besides the Page and Position.
Steps for booking Advertisement in Bombay Samachar through Myadvtcorner:
1.) Choose ad type: Classified Text, Classified Display or Display
2.) Choose suitable ad category
3.) Choose preferred edition’s and package
4.) Proceed to compose ad using enhancements or upload pre-designed matter in case of Classified Display or Display Ads
5.) Select a suitable sub-category, relevant to your ad content
6.) Finally, select release dates, choose preferable offers and make payments.
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