AFR is short for “Audited Financial Statement" which means a provider's financial statement that has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and that has been audited by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and includes notes to the financial statement that state whether or not the community is in compliance with its reserve requirements.
AFR notice advertisements are booked in different languages in leading Indian newspapers. Normally booked in a black-and-white, AFR ads may cover up to all eight columns of a newspaper. This can be verified by looking up those already printed in recent issues of newspapers. Virtually every company, big or small, periodically publishes AFRs to convey its financial status - whether rising or falling – to those concerned like investors, shareholders, partners and even the general public, some of whom may be on the look-out for new investment opportunities.
Hence the need for a newspaper advertisement for the AFR.
This where professional guidance from simplifies the process of finding suitable newspapers in terms of reach and cost, laying out the AFR material attractively, negotiating with the media and getting the ad published in a timely manner. is the online arm of a total service advertising agency fully accredited to the Indian Newspaper Society (INS) for over 25 years.
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