The ever-growing capital of Karnataka state, Bengaluru, has plenty of buildings with property to rent - whether it is residential, commercial, institutional, industrial or any other. The owners have ample scope for getting returns on their investment by renting out all or part of such property at current rates to meet the demand from those requiring such property for their use. These are people who are not in a position to buy the property they need but need it as a place to stay, trade, educate, conduct business, manufacture or, in other words, gainfully employ their faculties to achieve gainful ends.
As elsewhere, in India’s Silicon Valley - a reputation earned by Bengaluru over the years - these seekers for property study online property listings, consult property brokers and/or look out for To-Let Advertisements in newspapers. The pros and cons of each:
Online Property Listings
These are really cheap or actually free, but they are unreliable since a) the person must be tech-literate or the location and condition of the property is not acceptable on closer examination or up to what the write-up led one believe.
Property Brokers
While these save property seekers a lot of trouble in finding property, they can be expensive in terms of their commissions charged from the landlords and tenants.
To-Let Ads
For advertisers, classified to-rent ads are the cheapest of three formats. These are printed on in run-on-line (ROL) text format. At extra cost, enhancements like screen, tick, colour for more visibility can be made. Ads are charged @ Rs/word, line subject to the policies of the newspaper. Classified display (CD) are costlier as they are charged @ Rs/square cm of the area used for the advertisement. Constraints in CD ads can be overcome using logo, image, different fonts and colour to enhance the advertisement. Display ads are the costliest option as there are no constraints about the sizes of the ads and is also charged @ Rs/square cm of the area used for the advertisement. One can choose Full Page, Half Page, Quarter Page or any other size of ad besides the Page and Position.
Rebates: Every edition of every newspaper has a different rate. However, repetition in the same edition or combo-rates with more than one edition may result in an overall cost-reduction.
Leading Bengaluru newspapers: Deccan Herald, Kannada Prabha, Prajavani, Sanjevani, Vijaya Karnataka, Dakshin Bharat Rashtramat
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