The popular saying goes: “Time Is the Best Healer.” Yet, there are some wounds that do not heal completely. A person overcomes that phase gradually but its slightest memory transports one back to the same time. Such painful situations are nothing else but remembering a loved one whom we have lost in the journey of life. And thus, whether we have lost a loved one today or a year back does not make any difference. The amount of agony that we feel is the same even after a few years or so.
On the contrary, despite all the tears in our eyes, we do remember the departed souls every year, as well as want the world to know about them. Therefore, there are so many printed publications all over the world that provide a special column of Remembrance for all the noble people who left the world. And people from across the globe remember someone special through these media.
But things are not as easy as they seem to be. Here is a roadblock in this process. Placing a classified remembrance ad in the popular dailies is not an easy task. The newspapers get flooded with such requests and it is technically impossible for them to provide space to each and every request. Thus, the process gets delayed and a number of people do not get the desired result in time.
Also, for a person with a restricted budget, posting such ads in any of the papers that are in high demand is like burning a hole in one’s pocket because of the whopping charges of such ads.
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